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Making Read More

For the friend who uses the new template, of course, will become confused when reading the previous tutorial that discusses about creating menus Read more .. or menu .. Read more, because the tutorial is indeed in appropriations for the friend who uses a classic template. Now for my friend who uses the new template and want to use the menu Read more .. also please follow the following steps:

* Sign in as usual in a blogger with id's mate

* Click Settings

* Click Formatting

* At the bottom of the screen, there is a blank text area in addition to writing Post Template, tesxt fill the empty area with the code below:

<div class="fullpost">

</ div>

* Click the button labeled Save Settings

Installation of this code in the intended order at the time of posting the article, the code appears immediately without having to write first, so help us to not have to always remember the code.

The next step is to add the code in the template, please follow these steps:

* Click menu Dasboard

* Click the Layout menu

* Click Edit HTML

* Click on Download Full Template text

* Please save the template first, this meant to reduce the risk in the event of an error during editting the template, we still have a back up data to restore it as before

* Check the box next to Expand Widget Templates, once again do not forget to check first well, because if not, would be incompatible with the next step

* Wait a moment when the process is in progress

* Please find my friend the following code in my friend's template code:

<div class='post-body'>

* Copy the HTML code below and paste it below this code

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>

<style>. fullpost (display: inline;) </ style>

<p> <data:post.body/> </ p>


<style>. fullpost (display: none;) </ style>

* Then look gets down to reveal the following code:

<p> <data:post.body/> </ p>

* Copy the HTML code below and paste it below this code

<a expr:href='data:post.url'> Read More ......</ a>

</ b: if>

* Click the button marked Save Template

* Done.

How To Post Articles

* Click Post

* Click the Edit menu HTML, it will automatically appear the code that we set earlier, namely:

<div class="fullpost">

</ div>

* Tulisankan articles to appear on the blog before the code:

<div class="fullpost">

* Write the entire rest of the article after the above code and before the code:

</ div>

* Click the button marked PUBLISH POST

* Click writings Open New Window to see the results of our posts, then see if the results a success or not. If not, there may be missing parts. Just look back to the steps above

* Good luck!

Making Read More for the classic template

Why the strange title, "a Read More" mean anything? Look mate, I actually disagree with that title, I'd like to give the title "Creating a More menu", but since the word "Read More" best known in the universe blog, yes I also went along (basic carpenter ngekor). Oh well ngobrolnya extension. We start the discussion. For the friend who just started a blog, may not know this information and hopefully by reading this article may increase our knowledge about the whose name nge-blog.

Pal may notice that my articles appear only in the form of titles with one or two paragraphs only, and to view the entire article must click on the link that reads>> Read more of this ...", or pengkaburan called pengkamuflasean posts (ribet really call it). For a new friend posts an article that only one or two articles may be considered not only need to abbreviate the article my friend, but if you later my friend had a lot of articles, then it might have occurred to create this menu.

Okay ... Over time ngawurnya, just mending. To make the menu Read more we have to add some HTML code into the template of our blog. But for posting this time, I specialized for bloggers who use classic template only, for the use of new template, please wait in the upcoming posts.

Please follow the following steps:

* Log into with id pal

* Click the menu labeled Templates

* Click Edit HTML

* Do not forget to copy the entire template code and paste my friend's in notepad and then save, to back up your data. This is intended in the event of an error in the template that we have the brain-tweaking, we still have to back up data.

* Copy the HTML code below and paste the code right above </ style>:


div.fullpost (display: none;)

</ MainOrArchivePage>


div.fullpost (display: inline;)

</ ItemPage>

To accelerate the search for the code </ style>, please click on the Edit menu buddy who is on the browser menu bar, then click Find (on this page and write )..., </ style> trus click the Find Next button, it will automatically be in take it to the code.

* The next step is, please copy and paste the following code after the code <$ BlogItemBody $>:

<MainOrArchivePage> <br/>

<a href = "<$ BlogItemPermalinkURL $>"> Read more! </ a>

</ MainOrArchivePage>

Again and again To speed up the search code <$ BlogItemBody $>, please click on the Edit menu buddy who is on the browser menu bar, then click Find (on this page and write )..., <$ BlogItemBody $> trus click the button next find, it will automatically be brought to code.

* Click the button marked SAVE SETTINGS

* The next step is to click the Settings menu

* Click the Formatting menu

* The bottom of the menu is a box next to the Template Post, now an empty box with the code below:

<div class="fullpost">

</ div>

Actually, the above step is not mandatory, but this will mean that when we want to post the article, the code will appear automatically without the written previously, this course will be easier and not have to always remember the code.

* Then do not forget to click the Save Settings button

* Finish

How To Post Articles

Okay, after some stage we've been through, now we go to step how to post an article so that it no Readmore menu.

* Click Post

* Click on Edit HTML, well there are automatically going to look the code that we keep this, namely:

<div class="fullpost">

</ div>

save article buddies who want to display before class="fullpost"> <div code, then save the rest of the entire article after class="fullpost"> <div code and before the code </ div>

To be more clear, I give an example, eg this article:

This is an example of writing that are stored at the beginning of the article that will always appear on our blogs, and other writings will not appear.
<div class="fullpost">
and this writing is writing that will appear when the visitor clicks the link to read Read more.
</ div>

The results which will appear on our blogs are like this:

This is an example of writing that are stored at the beginning of the article that will always appear on our blogs, and other writings will not appear.

Read more!

How my friend, is described. if not clear please check back in the comments.

A little clue, said Read more! we can actually change according to our desires, we let the fox into Read more ..., More .., sequel ... or what's important these words can tell to the visitors that we have a sequel article.

The code above is no alternative, namely using Span code, if interested, replace all the code into Span span. The result will be the same, just for the friend who likes posting on compose menu, the code is often a problem in because of clashes with other commands that use the code Span.


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Indonesia Archipelago

Indonesia is often referred to as the world's largest archipelago, a name which aptly represents its 17,000 or so islands which span more than 5000 km (around 3,200 miles) eastward from Sabang in northern Sumatra to Merauke in Irian Jaya. If you superimpose a map of Indonesia over one of Europe, you will find that it stretches from Ireland to Iran; compared to the United States, it covers the area from California to Bermuda.

There are eight major islands or island groups in this enormous chain. The largest landmasses consist of Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan (Borneo), Sulawesi (Celebes) and Irian Jaya (the western half of Papua New Guinea). The smaller islands fall into two main groups: the Molluccas to the northeast, and the lesser Sunda chain east of Bali. Bali is a unique island, which for a number of reasons can be put into a class of its own.

Mountain lovers will find plenty to enjoy in Indonesia. A great volcano chain, the Bukit Barisan, runs the entire length of Sumatra. On the West Coast, the mountains fall abruptly to the sea, while to the east they ease gradually down to plains in a broad fringe of coastal mangroves. Vegetation-clad volcanoes also rise dramatically from the sea at Banda, Ternate and Makian. Many of the volcanoes are still active, constantly smouldering and occasionally erupting violently, though geological stations monitor the active ones constantly and give warning if they are unsafe to climb. Mount Merapi in Central Java is a favourite for climbers, despite being one of the most active on the archipelago.

Mountain lakes are also abundant in dormant craters of many volcanoes, the most famous of these being lake Toba in the northern highlands of Sumatra. This mountain lake covers an area four times the size of Singapore. In Kalimantan, waterborne transportation moves cargo and passengers up and down the major rivers: Mahakam, Barito, Kahayan and Kapuas. The mountainous island of Flores is famous for its multi-coloured volcanic lakes, known as Keli Mutu. The three lakes are in a close group and range from dark red to turquoise.

Located between two distinct bio-geographic groups - Asia and Australia - the flora and fauna of the archipelago is also quite idiosyncratic. Species found nowhere else on earth have flourished in certain areas, including the famous Komodo dragon on the island of the same name. Also in abundance are rare flowers, including exotic orchids, unusual insects, birds of paradise and numerous indigenous spices such as cloves, nutmeg cinnamon, mace and many more.
